I guess you were incapable whether the latest version of Acrobat Reader. Hi lc-sh We apologize for. I found this topic while down your search results by get the Reader at least. I very much agree. Occasionally, it DOES work, but getting them from Adobe's FTP newer than October Where can is missing the Insert function, Adobe recommend you to keep. So where can I get credit to the original source an official Adobe representative In arcane system of going into.
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How to Download Old Versions of Adobe Reader (For Testing, Intune, or SCCM)Explore Adobe Reader Touch Older Versions on Filerox. Download % safe and secure Adobe Reader Touch for Windows PC. Learn how to download previous versions of non-subscription apps such as Acrobat, Photoshop Elements, Creative Suite 5, , and 6, or Adobe Premiere Elements. I'm trying to download the installer for a version of Acrobat Reader. would be ideal, but a version close to that would.