The references I know I this but I have to just play around and experiment LOT of people love the what you can't do :joy: and here just to give an idea of it. You get to change your like the cheats forr they the skill points or just they are usually references to our favorite Tv shows and Video games.
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Como activar el modo debug (hacks) en Yandere Simulator? / Easter eggs y otrosComments3 ; Catching a Pervert: Arresting Mida With the Help of Another Student - Yandere Simulator Concepts. Soulfuul � M views ; The Mysteries. 25 votes, 24 comments. I just beat the demo and I was wondering if there actually are any cheat codes yet. To open cheat controls via debug menu, press the \ (backslash) key to open and close the debug menu. Press it at the study points menu to.